Karczmy w komornictwie Łukta (w komturstwie elbląskim) w pierwszej połowie XV w.
Słowa kluczowe:
karczma, gospodarka, osada, sieć drożna, Prusy, liszka pruskaAbstrakt
This article discusses the functioning of taverns in the district of Łukta. An important element is the inclusion of the taverns in the local settlement system and a discussion of their role in the formation of the Prussian lishka. The role of the lishka is also underlined as it fulfilled the role of a town in Prussian-dominated areas. It is worth pointing out that taverns (like towns) were structures associated with German settlement. The taverns mentioned were run by German settlers, as is indicated by the names of the individual tavernkeepers. An interesting aspect of the subject is the fact that tavernkeepers owned land.