Major Iwan Markiejew – były patron Szkoły Podstawowej nr 46 w Gdańsku-Przymorzu. Przyczynek do ideologizacji szkół w okresie PRL
Słowa kluczowe:
szkoła, imię, patron szkoły, Markiejew, ideologizacja, GdańskAbstrakt
The aim of this paper is to present a piece of the history of the XLVI Primary School in Gdańsk, in the context of the ideologization of giving the school a communist patron, that of Major Ivan Markieev. The article has been divided into three main sections. The first section characterizes the figure of Markieev. The second part shows the preparations and the course of the ceremony of giving the school its new name. The third section concentrates on the presence of the patron in the life of school, for instance, celebrating Patron Days, and organizing ceremonies, events, and artistic performances related to his figure.