Miasta i wsie byłej Rzeczpospolitej w okresie po upadku powstania listopadowego widziane oczami Amerykanina – Johna Lloyda Stephensa


  • Łukasz Podlaszewski Uniwersytet Gdański

Słowa kluczowe:

relacje z podróży, John Lloyd Stephens, zagraniczni podróżnicy na ziemiach polskich, Królestwo Polskie, powstanie listopadowe


The aim of the article is to show how foreign travelers perceived the cities and villages of the former Polish Republic during their wanderings in these lands in the period after the fall of the November Uprising. The main research material was the observations made by American traveler John Lloyd Stephens, who visited the grounds of the former Republic of Poland in 1835 and described his memoirs in his book, Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. This relation was compared with other, similar descriptions from the same period, among others: Rayford Ramble’s and Edmund Spencer’s travel memories. The source materials were then juxtaposed with the literature on the subject describing the realities of traveling around Poland and the appearance of cities and villages in the discussed period.


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Jak cytować

Podlaszewski, Łukasz. (2018). Miasta i wsie byłej Rzeczpospolitej w okresie po upadku powstania listopadowego widziane oczami Amerykanina – Johna Lloyda Stephensa. Argumenta Historica. Czasopismo Naukowo - Dydaktyczne, (5), 69–87. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/argumentahistorica/article/view/3279


