Znaczenie szabatu w kulturze żydowskiej. Geneza tradycji szabatowej, przebieg oraz analiza antropologiczna obrzędu szabatowego na podstawie własnego badania ankietowego praktyk szabatowych przeprowadzonego na przełomie 2020 i 2021 r.
Słowa kluczowe:
judaizm, szabat, Tora, Tora ustnaAbstrakt
This paper commences with an examination of the circumstances of a political crisis that led to emergence of Shabbat as the most important feast within Jewish culture. What I also aim to highlight is the paradigm of sacred time and space during this religious festival in an attempt to understand the meaning of it. This paper is based mainly on Polish translations of the Torah and the Oral Torah (especially the Treatise called Shabbat) – done by Rabbi Sacha Pecaric. I add my humblest contibution to reaching the sense of celebrations of Shabbat nowadays by referring to my anthropological research made in 2020/2021 on the group of 20 Jews, both religious and more distanced to Judaism.