Karczma Słupska. Marka i jej budowa w okresie PRL


  • Tomasz Częścik Słupsk / Warszawa

Słowa kluczowe:

gastronomia, karczma, kuchnia, żywienie w PRL, rozrywka, Pomorze, Słupsk


The period of Polish People’s Republic is associated with dullness and mediocrity. It was similar in the gastronomy. The cuisine of Communism was paltry and prepared for the working masses. Gastronomy of Słupsk made one of the exceptions with its brand product of the Inns of Słupsk (Karczma Słupska). Their beginning is traced to 1969, when the first Inn called “Pod Kluką” (The Cane Inn) was opened. Its phenomenon was based on the fact that in the inn only traditional recipes were used. Also the interior design of the inns was traditional, alluding the folk or, to be more precise, Kashubian folk. The Inn was appealing to customers so much, that other places modelled on the Inn were being opened all around the country. They all were named The Inn of Słupsk (Karczma Słupska). 20 restaurants of this type were opened during Polish People’s Republic’s times. The Department of Comprehensive Implementation was responsible for their establishment and it created all restaurants from scratch. Specialists from Słupsk were carrying out the construction work of the Inn, its interior design, staff training and implementing of the menu. All these tasks were unified and certain standards applied to them. Słupsk’s gastronomy was living through its golden era in the seventies of 20th century. It was widely appreciated all over the country.

The standard of The Inn of Słupsk created in the Department of Comprehensive Implementation did not survive through the system transformation. After the collapse of the Communism all the Inns of Słupsk started disappearing from the Polish map.


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Jak cytować

Częścik, T. (2019). Karczma Słupska. Marka i jej budowa w okresie PRL. Argumenta Historica. Czasopismo Naukowo - Dydaktyczne, (6), 25–33. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/argumentahistorica/article/view/9904


