„Za wolność naszą i waszą” – motywy podjęcia walki w rewolucji węgierskiej (1848–1849) przez polskich generałów


  • Adam Lubocki Uniwersytet Gdański

Słowa kluczowe:

Wiosna Ludów, rewolucja węgierska 1848–1849, Józef Bem, Henryk Dembiński


Hungarian revolution 1848–1849 is one of the most important events of the Spring of Nations period. Many Poles took part in it, which ultimately contributed to consolidating the conviction of mutual sympathy between both nations. Some of them even reached the highest positions, both military and political, constituting the decision-making core and influencing many victories. Helping the brotherly nation, however, came at a price. Actions taken by leaders, primarily Polish generals, perfectly illustrate the motives of the struggle. The motives are unambiguous and different in each of the characters discussed in the article. It is worth to analyse the information provided by Polish generals (Józef Bem, Henryk Dembiński and Józef Wysocki) in diaries written by them or people from their close environment.


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Jak cytować

Lubocki, A. (2019). „Za wolność naszą i waszą” – motywy podjęcia walki w rewolucji węgierskiej (1848–1849) przez polskich generałów. Argumenta Historica. Czasopismo Naukowo - Dydaktyczne, (6), 64–75. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/argumentahistorica/article/view/9908


