Dialectically-marked proper nouns in audiovisual translation: An analysis of the English subtitles to "The Peasants"





proper nouns, dialect, audiovisual translation, The Peasants, Władysław Stanisław Reymont


The aim of this article is to analyze translation techniques used in the film translation of dialectically-marked proper names. Undoubtedly, the issue of rendering dialectical varieties constitutes one of the greatest challenges in interlingual translation. The applicable translation techniques, however, are frequently in conflict with the rules of reducing audiovisual target text to an indispensable minimum. The research material consists of the English subtitles to The Peasants (Chłopi, dir. Jan Rybkowski, Telewizja Polska S.A. 1973; English translation by Agata Deka, PolArt Video 2006). This article outlines the main theoretical approaches and translation techniques which can be used in the cases of dialects, proper names, and audiovisual translation. The research part aims at verifying the hypothesis’s claim that these translation methods which require implementation of more complex procedures than, for instance, omission (e.g. replacing the source language dialect with a target text variation) are not applicable in the case of audiovisual translation. The conclusion consists of the outline of the main translation tendencies as well as the verification of the aforementioned hypothesis.


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How to Cite

Dudek, A. . (2019). Dialectically-marked proper nouns in audiovisual translation: An analysis of the English subtitles to "The Peasants". Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, (16/4), 195–225. https://doi.org/10.26881/bp.2019.4.08


