Languaging and interactivity in the self-scaffolding space: How cognitive change happens in one coaching dialogue
Polish forms of address, subtitles, corpus, non-professional translation, discursive approach, (im)politenessAbstract
Tracking the performance of a coach and her client conversing during a demo coaching session we find that languaging provides a cognitive space for the client’s problem determination and solution creation despite the cognitive complexity of the issues she languages about. We apply here qualitative methods (Peräkylä, Antaki, Vehviläinen and Leudar 2008), specifically microgenetic analysis. On a more general level, our study proves that languaging aids in the construction of selfscaffolding space in which cognitive change emerges. This is because languaging mediates mental processes, thought completion and brings cognitively complex ideas to the physical domain. We also find that sense-making is achieved through the integration of languaging and bodily actions.
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