Особенности становления национальной бюрократии в Карачае в имперский и советский периоды (1830-1930-е гг.)


  • Зинхара Исмаиловна Аджиева
  • Рустам Маратович Ъегеулов
  • Рашид Тохтарович Хатуев

Słowa kluczowe:

Karachay, bureaucracy, civil service, education, the Soviet power, elite


In this article the issue of formation of the state bureaucracy in one of the regions of the North Caucasus - Karachay was analyzed. Article covers the period from inclusion Karachay to the Russian Empire in the first half of XIX century to the late 30s of XX century, and so to the zenith of Stalin's purges. The authors have demonstrated in detail the causes and sources of the appearance among the mountain population representatives of the civil service, who enjoyed a high social prestige. The origins of the Russian administration and the formation of the Karachays bureaucratic elite during the period of the Russian Empire were discussed. The changes that have taken place in this matter as a consequence of bring Soviet power in the North Caucasus were traced. The issues of motives and effects of generational change in administration of Karachay in the 20s and 30s of the XX century were considered with special attention.


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Jak cytować

Аджиева, З. И., Ъегеулов, Р. М., & Хатуев, Р. Т. (2014). Особенности становления национальной бюрократии в Карачае в имперский и советский периоды (1830-1930-е гг.). Cywilizacja I Polityka, (12), 117–144. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/cywilizacja/article/view/9483


