Gaz w Izraelu: utrudnienie czy zwiększenie szansy na pokój na Bliskim Wschodzie


  • Tadeusz Dmochowski
  • Jamil Absi


The struggle for oil and gas in the eastern Mediterranean between Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Cyprus and the Palestinian Autonomy can become and is becoming a hotbed of new regional conflict. None of these countries will not benefit from the investment, and Western companies will be afraid to invest in projects in the region, if there will not be resolved bilateral conflicts in the region, and Israel will not normalize relations with the Arab states and Turkey, and Turkey with Cyprus.
Reaching an agreement between those countries can bring unexpected benefits for all parties concerned, they can develop new projects, such as the connection of oil pipelines and gas pipelines of these countries and the joint exploitation of deposits, which may result in the creation of competition for current market leaders on the oil and gas market, specially European market, which earnestly seeks opportunities to become independent from Russian supplies.


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Jak cytować

Dmochowski, T., & Absi, J. (2014). Gaz w Izraelu: utrudnienie czy zwiększenie szansy na pokój na Bliskim Wschodzie. Cywilizacja I Polityka, (12), 159–165. Pobrano z




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