Cultural Landscape As The Identity Of Phenomenon


  • Tatiana Tökölyová University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
  • Ivana Pondelíková University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava


cultural landscape, identity, New Zealand, Pacific


As a foundation of national identity, a cultural landscape can be perceived sensually or spiritually. Associating a country with art, memory, and identity opens up the possibility of a new perception of a particular place as a cultural landscape. The theoretical and methodological basis of the text encompasses Hofstede's cultural dimensions and Pecníková’s [2020] typology of the country as a cultural landscape presented as 1) a real landscape; 2) a fantastic landscape; 3) an ideal landscape. The aim, therefore, is to test the applicability of Pecníková’s typology to a case country – New Zealand, commonly referred to as a Pacific country.


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How to Cite

Tökölyová, T., & Pondelíková, I. (2023). Cultural Landscape As The Identity Of Phenomenon. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 11(2), 72–105. Retrieved from


