Regional Architecture in the Pacific


  • Tatiana Tökölyová University College of International and Public Relations in Prague


regionalism, organisation, Pacific, Fiji, development


Regional integration processes comprise an important element of the current international global and regional policy. Participation in these processes becomes a part of political and economic attitudes, and/or it expresses these attitudes and positions and significantly affects the political, economic and security situation of the participating states. The paper provided comprises a first part of the sequent papers devoted to this new tendencies and developments in the region. The main goal of the paper is to analyse the recent changes after 2015 occurred within the regional architecture represented by one of the most prominent regional intergovernmental organisation, the Pacific Islands Forum with a research question whether these “new- era” regional actors and tendencies reflect the needs and challenges of the PICs better than the PIF before. The methodology of the paper is based on study of official statements and policies of the most prominent regional organisations after having defined the transregionalism here as a rising point for the analysis.



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How to Cite

Tökölyová, T. (2017). Regional Architecture in the Pacific . European Journal of Transformation Studies, 5(1), 64–77. Retrieved from



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