On a State of Democratic Emergency


  • Tatiana Tökölyová University College of International and Public Relations Prague
  • Marián Děd University College of International and Public Relations Prague


democracy, illiberative democracy, near miss, freedom, election


Due to the spread of the third wave of global democratization from southern Europe to more distant countries and cultures, many authors have begun to address the paradoxical trend that reflects the fact that although democracy has become the norm in the world, i.e. the most common and generally legitimate form of government, it often works in a way that reduces real freedom. The main goal of this study is defining a space between functioning democracy and the failing one, identifying the most important highlights based on results of empirical researches published during 2016-2019 to identify the most current trends in liberal democracy that we originally call „a state of democratic emergency“ occurring due to the untouched „near misses“.



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How to Cite

Tökölyová, T., & Děd, M. (2019). On a State of Democratic Emergency . European Journal of Transformation Studies, 7(2), 9–20. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/journal-transformation/article/view/5005


