Exploration Of An Employability Platform For The Educational Policy Of Georgia Through Synergy Of The Potential Actors: What Do They Think And What Can They Not Regulate?


  • Ruizan Mekvabidze Gori State University
  • Roman Smietanski Opole University of Technology


Higher Education and employers – Face-to-face actors, “Supply and Demand” and job market, a platform for exploration and synergy, the teaching of research components in practice


The research paper is based on seeking the interrelationship of points of view between academics, graduates, and employers and is attempting to analyse the main aspects of graduate employability skills development according to the "supplydemand" regulation between HEIs and the modern job market. It considers an approach to finding a new higher education trend. The central and main achievement of results is an innovative approach to the challenge of change study programmes through the involvement of research components in the subject area of specialization, which will allow HEIs to respond to gaps in the supply of skilled graduates to meet high-growth competitive job market needs.


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How to Cite

Mekvabidze, R., & Smietanski, R. (2023). Exploration Of An Employability Platform For The Educational Policy Of Georgia Through Synergy Of The Potential Actors: What Do They Think And What Can They Not Regulate?. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 11(2), 279–292. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/journal-transformation/article/view/11819


