Migration Processes in Modern Ukrainian-Polish Discourse
Słowa kluczowe:
Ukraine, Poland, migration of Ukrainians, state policy, migration policyAbstrakt
The purpose of the article is to determine the specifics of Ukrainian-Polish discourse on migration processes, that consists in symbolic interactions as depictions of state policies, at the centre of which is human capital and strategies for its conversion. The preservation and development of its human capital in the context of globalization movements is a question of protection of national interests and the capacity of the economic foundations of society for Ukraine and Poland. Migration processes, as an objective indicator of a globalized world, are political in nature and can be the result of state policy, both as a country of motivation for migration and as a concerted action of states that are interested in getting a new human capital. External and internal factors of migration of Ukrainians through the prism of state decisions, the state of social protection of the population, educational opportunities and business prospects for youth are actualized in the conditions of increasing interest in the renewal of the human capital of Poland.
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