Social Networks as a Factor in the Development of Civil Society in Ukraine
Słowa kluczowe:
social networks, civil society, political processes, Revolution of Dignity, Presidential election of Ukraine, media policyAbstrakt
The article examines the role and importance of social networks in the process of the formation of civil society in Ukraine. There is a parallel with the events of the “Arab Spring”, in which social media has been an important factor in political processes. It shows how social networks, including Facebook, were actively used to organize people during the Ukrainian “Revolution of Dignity”. Positive and negative factors of influence of social networks on the political life after the revolutionary events are analyzed, the role of facebook and instagram in the 2019 presidential election campaign and in the subsequent domestic political life are highlighted. In addition to various socio-cultural and communication functions, social networks have become a catalyst for political change, a platform for active civic engagement. There is a significant level of influence of social networks on the course of political processes, which was manifested in the active promotion of new practices of public participation, consolidation and self-organization of Ukrainian civil society. It is substantiated that in the context of democratic media policy, the role of social networks as an important factor in the development of civil society will increase.
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