High-Skilled Migration - a Challenge for Poland’s Policy on the Diaspora
Słowa kluczowe:
diaspora policy, diaspora option, high-skilled migration, transfer of human capitalAbstrakt
In the knowledge-based economy, a high level of human capital is often perceived as one of the important factors conditioning economic development and social well-being. Poland, however, is one of the countries that experience a huge problem both in retaining highly qualified people in the country and obtaining them from abroad. In such a situation, the possible solution may lie in the involvement of the Polish diaspora and its inclusion in the socio-economic life of Poland. The paper demonstrates that in shaping Polish policy towards the diaspora in the field of human capital transfer, priority should be given to solutions functioning under the diaspora option model, not the return option model. In activities directed at diaspora members well-equipped with human capital, the Polish state should focus on their networking within industry and professional groups as well as building infrastructure fostering the establishment and development of relations. This is confirmed by the results of the project “E-migration - Polish Technological Diaspora”, implemented by the Emigration Museum in Gdynia and the PLUGin Foundation in 2018-2019.
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