Migration-caused qualitative changes in human potential of the states in the territorial migration labour market “Ukraine – Poland – Germany”


  • Tetiana Stepura Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Tetyana Nagornyak Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • Vasyl Lypchuk Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies
  • Uliana Sadova Lviv Polytechnic National University

Słowa kluczowe:

State Policy of Donor-Cuntries and Recipient-Countries, Labor Migration, erritorial Migration Labor Market (TMLM), Qualitative Changes in Human Potential, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Asynchrony (Nonlinearity) of the World Order, Reconstruction of Ukraine After the Victory


The paper deals with political and economic dimension of the quality changes in human’s potential within territorial migration labour market (TMLM) – a stable polycentric system of labour’s force turnover, which geographically combines the territories of two countries (Ukraine and Germany) with the potential impact of cross-border one (Poland). In circumstances of Ukraine’s war with Russia, Ukrainians are primarily focused on these countries while looking for temporary asylum, obtaining a European educational document, getting employed, emigration.

The method of principal components is used for finding out the system-forming factors of the territorial migration labour market. This makes it possible to identify the relevant prerequisites for qualitative changes in human potential at the levels of the individual, households and macro-level. Depending on the depth of asymmetry in the development of the territorial migration labour market of participating countries and the nature of the migration policy, the donor country, especially at the macro-level, will irreversibly suffer from qualitative losses. Preventing them and mitigating these effects is the task of donor country policy. Instead, solving the problem of the qualitative losses of immigrants and their families becomes more a task for the host country. An important and indispensable tool in this task is entrepreneurship, especially social one.

In addition, the state program of Ukraine’s reconstruction after the Victory should take into consideration the vector of return of its citizens and strengthening of its human capital. This should happen not only due to the patriotism of Ukrainians, but also through the implementation of the system of concrete measures to support small and medium businesses, quality educational trajectories, flexible governance practices, restoring trust among people and ensuring security of life and self-development.


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Jak cytować

Stepura, T., Nagornyak, T., Lypchuk, V., & Sadova, U. (2022). Migration-caused qualitative changes in human potential of the states in the territorial migration labour market “Ukraine – Poland – Germany”. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 10(1), 112–137. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/journal-transformation/article/view/7328


