Japońskie Siły Samoobrony gwarantem bezpieczeństwa państwa – Lądowe i Powietrzne Siły Samoobrony


  • Stanisław Zarychta Centrum Operacji Morskich – Dowództwo Komponentu Morskiego


The situation in the South-East Asia is unstable. The growing military power of China and its assertive expansion policy in the Pacific Ocean, with the attempt of unilateral appropriation of the entire South China Sea as well as recent events connected with the crisis on the Korean Peninsula, enforce certain changes in Japan safety strategy.

Necessity to oppose growing ambitions of Beijing and the North Korea unpredictable action are, at present, one of the most important challenges for Japan and its allies. Deterrence is closely connected with ability to stopping effectively hostile ambition to gain supremacy in the region. Having new generation equipment and armament, which surpass abilities of the potential aggressor, is one of the factors providing balance. The military conflict threat also provoked the need to raise the level of military cooperation with the major Japan ally – United States. In response to China military forces activity and defiance of the North Korea, exercises of the naval forces and air force were intensified. Changes in the region also influence military forces modernization programs and change of using Japan Self-Defense Forces. Japan begins developing and building its military capability in order to restore its military position in the region.



J. Solarz, Doktryny militarne XX wieku, Kraków 2009.

S. Zarychta, Japońskie Siły Samoobrony (JSS) gwarantem bezpieczeństwa państwa – siły morskie i straż graniczna, „Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej” 2017, z. 11




Jak cytować

Zarychta, S. (2017). Japońskie Siły Samoobrony gwarantem bezpieczeństwa państwa – Lądowe i Powietrzne Siły Samoobrony. Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej, (12), 21–39. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/GSAW/article/view/2702


