Rozważania o krajobrazie kulturowym Japonii


  • Dominika Kostrzewa Uniwersytet Gdański


The subject of consideration is the cultural landscape of Japan. It should be noted that Japan is an island country and the vast majority of its area are mountains ranges that are unfavourable to any land development. Therefore, mainly coasts and softly shaped land areas are occupied. The geographical nature of Japan forces a huge concentration of population in a relatively small area. An analysis of diversity of the landscape of Japan lurks, in general, the image of chaos with the exception of unique and beautiful places. A justification of current state of cities is the World War II that brought destruction to Japan. The country quickly overcame the crisis and achieved significant economic growth. The buildings became a symbol of the development and free market system, however, at the cost of the landscape. Currently, state planning policy is aiming to correct mistakes of the past. In addition, there is a great emphasis on society that has a major role in shaping landscape. The improvement of the planning system in Japan, environmental protection and concentration to preserve the greatest acreage of green areas are another sources of optimism. Unfortunately, rural cultural landscape in Japan seems to be in a crisis.


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Jak cytować

Kostrzewa, D. . . (2016). Rozważania o krajobrazie kulturowym Japonii. Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej, (9), 51–62. Pobrano z


