Budowa nowej socjalistycznej kultury: mobilne zespoły projekcyjne jako narzędzie propagandy w Chińskiej Republice Ludowej w latach 1949–1966


  • Oskar Gruszczyński Uniwersytet Xiamen


After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) embarked on a groundbreaking project: the creation of new art for “workers, peasants and soldiers.” In this great endeavour designed to shape the “new socialist man,” film proved to be one of the most effective tools and the so-called mobile projection teams (MPT) crisscrossing the country were assigned the task of bringing a new politicised art to people living in the most distant parts of China. The present article aims to describe the mechanisms of centrally-planned culture as it functioned in the vast countryside and prove that film projectionists were as important as films itself for the promotion of new state ideology. Through an analysis of Chinese press articles from the 1949–1966 period and the use of most recent Western scholarship in the field the author aims to bring new life to the study of the so far relatively overlooked aspect of Chinese filmmaking: the “seventeen years” (1949–1966) period. Special attention being paid to contemporary accounts of MPT’s work, the author also avails himself of works of fiction in order to present a multi-faceted view of an important aspect of PRC state propaganda. The author believes that this new scope of study will be beneficial not only to scholars of Chinese culture but also bring the largely unknown history of the currently biggest film market in the world to light.



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Jak cytować

Gruszczyński , O. . (2022). Budowa nowej socjalistycznej kultury: mobilne zespoły projekcyjne jako narzędzie propagandy w Chińskiej Republice Ludowej w latach 1949–1966. Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej, (21), 80–94. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/GSAW/article/view/7154


