Analiza motywacji, problemów i potrzeb chińskich młodszych nauczycieli języka polskiego jako obcego


  • Jing Wang Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
  • Huiling Zhang Zhejiang International Studies University
  • Yang Cao Beijing International Studies University, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie


With the dynamic development of Chinese Polish Studies since 2018, there has been a growing demand for teachers of Polish as a foreign language who are native Chinese speakers in the labour market of the People’s Republic of China. Nowadays, almost every Polish language centre at a university has its own teaching staff. Many of them are not only quite modest in terms of staff numbers, but also very young in terms of the age and experience of the teachers. Today, both Polish and Chinese language literature still lacks in-depth research on this specific group of glottodidactics. Therefore, the present study aims at getting to know Chinese junior teachers of Polish as a foreign language working at universities, and to gain knowledge about their motivation for their profession, problems and needs at work. From the questionnaire survey of 23 purposively selected respondents, it can be concluded that the greatest motivation of the respondents was related to students and interests in research and/or teaching. The problems they encountered at work were related to insufficient skills, lack of materials and those caused by the work environment. They are most in need of improved teaching methods and techniques, more and better teaching materials and help from masters in this field.



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Jak cytować

Wang, J. ., Zhang , H. ., & Cao , Y. . (2022). Analiza motywacji, problemów i potrzeb chińskich młodszych nauczycieli języka polskiego jako obcego. Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej, (21), 129–145. Pobrano z


