Historyczne i kulturowe uwarunkowania picia alkoholu w Chinach


  • Eliza Bogdańska Uniwersytet Gdański


Over the course of history, alcohol has served various cultural and social functions in many cultures. Through the ages, Chinese culture developed their own unique drinking customs. Even so, the topic of alcohol in China has not yet been thoroughly researched. This article is based on existing literature about alcohol consumption in China. The results indicated that drinking is a very important aspect of social Chinese culture. Alcohol is an indispensable part of traditional medicine, cuisine and festivals. It was also found that influence of Western values in individuals is connected with a higher chance of alcohol abuse. However, the main factors for alcohol abuse in modern China are drinking customs associated with local business culture.



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Jak cytować

Bogdańska, E. . (2022). Historyczne i kulturowe uwarunkowania picia alkoholu w Chinach. Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej, (21), 146–162. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/GSAW/article/view/7158


