Sex, drugs & gender w "Heroinie" Tomasza Piątka


  • Marta Nowicka Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Filologii Polskiej

Słowa kluczowe:

Tomasz Piątek, heroine, gender studies, androgyny, non-heteronormativity, drugs


Tomasz Piątek is a journalist and writer who debuted with an award-winning novel Heroine partly based on his own experiences. The article focuses on the language used in this novel to describe the effects of the titular addictive drug. Metaphors used in the novel present heroine as an androgynous, perfect lover. Linguistic methods used for the analysis of The Great Empress help to understand the ways drugs “seduce” addicts and the specifics of the relation between both drug, addict and others. In this article, I investigate whether the drug was gendered and sexualized, and thus I interpret the sexual context of the relation between the heroine and addicts. 


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Jak cytować

Nowicka, M. (2017). Sex, drugs & gender w "Heroinie" Tomasza Piątka. Jednak Książki. Gdańskie Czasopismo Humanistyczne, (8), 213–224. Pobrano z