Architektura obronna na Krecie epoki brązu i koncepcja Pax Minoica


Słowa kluczowe:

Kreta, epoka brązu, kultura minojska, Arthur Evans


The Pax Minoica, a concept formulated by Sir Arthur Evans was, and still is, one of the most preeminent paradigms on Minoan culture. According to this theory Crete was protected from threats by a strong and far-reaching fleet. This state of affairs was supposed to explain the lack of fortifications in Crete during the Bronze Age and the relative peace prevailing on the island itself. Since the time Evans carried out his research, numerous examples of defensive architecture have been found on the island. Among these five main types were established throughout the years – the so called Guard-Houses, Enclosure Walls, Towers/Bastions, Guard-Rooms and Modifications to Access systems.

The so called guard-houses are the most numerous and diverse group of prehistoric defensive fortifications on Crete. They are usually situated at locations in the proximity of roads, in dominant places with a good view of the surrounding area. They were not located within human settlements or in the vicinity of other buildings. Additionally, thanks to the presence of the so-called vigilai (observation towers), they could also have a role in communicating a warning of a possible threat.

The second most common type of defensive architecture was enclosure walls. Usually, they were made of variations of the local limestone. Very often they were built in the so-called “Cyclopean” technique. The walls were supposed to demonstrate power and to discourage potential attackers. Fortifications of smaller areas or fortified buildings were designed to deter violations of property. Of less importance, yet still with the defensive purpose were the Towers/Bastions, Guard-Rooms and Modifications to Access Systems.

Types of structures mentioned above shed new light on our knowledge of the various stages of the development of Minoan civilization. In this article an attempt will be made to take closer look at them between EM II and MM III periods. This will allow us to verify if the alleged internal peace existed on Crete during the Bronze Age.


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Jak cytować

Borowka, D. (2019). Architektura obronna na Krecie epoki brązu i koncepcja Pax Minoica. Argumenta Historica. Czasopismo Naukowo - Dydaktyczne, (6), 7–24. Pobrano z


