Holenderska misja gospodarcza w Polsce
Poland and the Netherlands had established trade relations in Xth century. From XIIIth to XVIIIth century they evolved to the large scale. Both trade ports Gdańsk and Amsterdam had become the most important cities in contacts between these two countries. In XIXth century trade contacts were significantly weakened because of Poland's partitions. In XXth century trade contacts were reestablished, especially after the First World War. In 1921 Philips manufacturing plant and research center in Warsaw were opened. In 1930. two submarine ships ORP Sęp and ORP Orzeł were built in Koninklije Maatschappij. After Second World War trade contacts flourished in 1970. when a lot of international agreements were signed. Poland and the Netherlands begin cooperating in multiple economic sectors from 1990. Poland is in the Dutch investors sphere of interest, that is why king Willem and queen Maxima's visit was devoted mostly to economic cooperation.