The Constitutional Referendum In Kyrgyzstan On April 11, 2021, Or The Restoration Of Post-Soviet Authoritarianism
Słowa kluczowe:
constitution, constitutional referendum, form of government, president, executive power, rule of law, separation of powers, responsibility of powerAbstrakt
The Article examines the form of government in Kyrgyzstan established by the constitutional referendum of April 11, 2021, identifies its most important essential features and shortcomings, and attempts to precise its scientific classification. The possible consequences of the functioning of the new form of government are indicated.
On April 11, 2021, a constitutional referendum was held in Kyrgyzstan, at which amendments to the Constitution of the state were approved. On the same day, the elections of the President of Kyrgyzstan were held, which were won by the acting President, politician Sadyr Zhaparov. This clearly indicated the role of the subjective factor in the constitutional process. The changes concerned all sections of the Constitution and marked the emergence of a virtually new Constitution of Kyrgyzstan. The most important consequence of the constitutional changes was the establishment of a new eclectic form of government with an exaggerated constitutional status of the president. In this form of government, the president combined in his person the functions of head of state and head of executive power, administratively subjugated the government and deprived it of the status of an independent authority.
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