Preliminary Outline of the Chosen Secondary Literature Exploring Possible Affinities as Regards the Approach to Image-Language Relationship in the Theories of Wittgenstein and Lacan


  • Hanna Lubowicz


language, image, ethics, Wittgenstein, Lacan, Freud




The essay is a kind of an introductory review of a few exemplary texts belonging to the socalled secondary literature focused on some issues common to Lacan and Wittgenstein, in particular as far as the image-language relationship is concerned. In its clearly preparatory character it just sounds the ground and at the same time explores only a few questions which, even if not directly connected with the analyzed relationship, may turn out crucial for the task of formulating the basic characteristics of the analyzed relationship. Additionally, a few remarks were also dedicated to the interpretations of the Freudian theory that are present in the writings of both thinkers. The most important conclusion drawn from all these investigations seems to be the statement that the ‘arena’ where the described relationship is played out appears to be the plane that is ethical throughout.


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Lubowicz, H. (2021). Preliminary Outline of the Chosen Secondary Literature Exploring Possible Affinities as Regards the Approach to Image-Language Relationship in the Theories of Wittgenstein and Lacan. Karto-Teka Gdańska, (2(9), 124–139. Abgerufen von