Problems and challenges of modern studies on the genesis of Islam


  • Marcin Grodzki University of Warsaw


Genesis of Islam, Islamic prehistory, Syriac studies, Judaeo-Christian studies, apocalyptic


The article briefly tackles some major challenges facing the modern Islamic scholarship from the historical perspective. After a short preview of methodologies applied in the field over the last two centuries to examining the genesis and early evolution of Islam, the author points to the role of the cognate Syriac studies, Judaeo-Christian studies as well as some other areas (as apocalyptic, eschatology) helping in advancing critical research on the possible historical and dogmatic roots of the Islamic religion. Unorthodox approaches and methodologies, interdisciplinarity and nonconformity are nowadays desirable traits in the discipline of Arabic & Islamic studies, breaking stereotypes and bringing fresh breeze into the methodologically slightly rigid field. The fruit of these traits over the last few decades has been a series of unconventional methodological experiments (theories) devoted to the genesis of Islam.


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How to Cite

Grodzki, M. (2018). Problems and challenges of modern studies on the genesis of Islam. Karto-Teka Gdańska, (2(3), 6–17. Retrieved from