Program profilaktyki nadużywania Internetu i mediów elektronicznych: komunikat z badań ewaluacyjnych


  • Bartłomiej Walczak Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Marcin Sochocki Fundacja Poza Schematami, Warszawa


Słowa kluczowe:

profilaktyka, nadużywanie Internetu, nadużywanie ICT, dzieci, ewaluacja


The paper describes the outcomes of evaluating the Internet and electronic media abuse prevention program conducted among 3rd-grade primary students. The literature review shows that a significant group of children and youth abuse ICT. The overuse of modern communication technologies may lead to a decrement in social functioning, psychological wellbeing and educational achievements. The risk of smartphone overuse is higher among youngsters; therefore, prevention programs should address this particular group.

The evaluation was designed in a quasi-experimental scheme. Two measurements were conducted on a sample of 1207 students. Wilcoxon test indicates the significant increment in knowledge about communication rules and relationships on the Internet, about the influence of ICT on health and safety and emotional and difficult situation management skills, which were treated as securing factors. Moreover, a significant increment of the monitoring activities among parent was observed.


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Jak cytować

Walczak, B., & Sochocki, M. (2021). Program profilaktyki nadużywania Internetu i mediów elektronicznych: komunikat z badań ewaluacyjnych. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 53(2), 78–90.



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