In "Issues in Early Education" we publish original scientific articles in Polish and English, the topics of which are part of the current research on children,  childhood, and early education. In the past, we have also accepted articles in Russian for publication, but now articles written in this language are not and will not be accepted for publication. We attach particular importance to texts of an empirical nature, presenting the results of research in the area we are interested in.
We strive to link reflection on early education with other sub-disciplines of pedagogy, such as: general pedagogy, didactics, social pedagogy, pedeutology, but also with other fields of knowledge, i.e. the philosophy and sociology of education, cultural anthropology, psychology, or jurisprudence.
Our journal is addressed to the academic community, for whose representatives we want to create conditions for the presentation of their research. We also want to reach out to methodological advisers, teachers-practitioners, students in the field of social sciences and the humanities, and people interested in the issues dealt with here.

About us
The journal " Issues in Early Education" was created on the initiative of Prof. Dorota Klus-Stańska, first as a semi-annual magazine, and since 2011 as a quarterly. Its first issue was published in 2005, under the patronage of the Polish Educational Society. The journal was established because the issues related to early education were dominated in the Polish publishing market by guides and popular science publications.  The shortage of scientific publications concerning this area created a gap to be filled by " Issues in Early Education".
Currently, the journal is published by the University of Gdańsk in cooperation with the Institute of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Individual issues of IEE are of a monothematic nature (see Archive). The basic sections of the quarterly are "Theses and Articles", "Narrations and Practices", "Reviews and Reports". They make it possible to publish texts of a varied character, some written by foreign authors. The resulting expanded perspective on educational issues creates a platform for a dialogue conducted from various research and axiological perspectives.


Open access policy

The journal Problems of Early Childhood Education is published in open access and supports the open access policy, which aims to increase free, widespread and sustainable access to digital scientific and educational content. Authors publishing in the journal do not incur any costs for doing so, but neither do they receive any remuneration for doing so. Entire issues of the journal and individual articles contained therein can be made available on other online platforms and in scientific repositories. Authors of published articles are free to distribute them online and do not need the permission of the editors to do so. All articles from Volume 54 No. 1 (2022) onwards are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Indexation in databases

Long-term archiving is ensured by weekly backups using a special script.