Bruno i Benn, czyli pokrewieństwo po tamtej stronie


  • Damir Šodan


When one compares the lots of two great European authors of the first half of the 20th century – the German poet Gottfried Benn (1886–1956) and the Polish-Jewish fiction writer Bruno Schulz (1892–1942) – at first sight their lives seem quite different and incomparable. Still, it is enough to reach under the surface of the so-called historical facts to realize that in some respects the two writers are indeed close to each other. As regards politics and history, a common denominator of their biographies was Nazism as an emanation of pure evil from provincial East-Central Europe, and its belief that human nature may be improved which the historical process makes it possible to develop great geopolitical systems, even at the cost of suspending all ethical principles. A starting point for that daemonic parochial activism is mostly the “provincial spirit of utopia” or, to be precise, its irresistible “realistic nihilism,” to borrow a term coined by the Serbian philosopher Radomir Konstantinovic.


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Biogram autora

Damir Šodan

Chorwacki poeta, autor tomików poetyckich Glasovne promjene (1996) i Srednji svijet (2001), dramaturg (sztuki Zaštićena zona i Kain ili njegov brat, opublikowane w wersji książkowej w 2002 roku). Redaktor „Feral Tribune Publishing House” w Splicie. Tłumaczy na chorwacki amerykańskich poetów i prozaików (Charlesa Simica, Raymonda Carvera, Allena Ginsberga, Thomasa Luxa, Denisa Johnsona, Thoma Jonesa). W 1999 roku przełożył i opracował antologię poezji nowojorskiej (Broad-way) dla zagrzebskiego magazynu literackiego „Quorum”.


Benn Gottfried. 2011. Krążenie. Przeł. T. Ososiński. W Nigdy samotniej i inne wiersze. Wybór, oprac. i wstęp Z. Jaskóła. Wrocław: Biuro Literackie.

Glumac Izdavac. 1984. Predgovor. W G. Benn. Izabrane pesme. Prevod S. Glumac. Beograd.

Letters and Drawings of Bruno Schulz with Selected Prose. 1988. Ed. J. Ficowski. Trad. W. Arndt and W. Nelson. New York: Harper & Row.

Schulz Bruno. 2004. Sklepy cynamonowe. Sanatorium pod klepsydrą. Kraków.




Jak cytować

Šodan, D. (2015). Bruno i Benn, czyli pokrewieństwo po tamtej stronie. Schulz/Forum, (5), 91–96. Pobrano z



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