O kryzysie klimatycznym z perspektywy nieetnocentrycznej (na przykładzie filmu anime „Nausicaä z Doliny Wiatru” Hayao Miyazakiego)


  • Anna Filipowicz Uniwersytet Gdański



Słowa kluczowe:

indigenous knowledge, new animism, new perspectivism, Hayao Miyazaki, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind


The article raises the problem of non-Eurocentric approaches to natural disasters – treating them as ordinary rather than traumatic events. For some archaic (indigenous) types of thinking, fundamental changes taking place in the environment do not cause the cessation of relations with nature and involve the need to constantly adapt to its conditions, even at the expense of one’s own welfare or living. Hayao Miyazaki’s anime film Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind also discusses this issue. The animistic thinking about the environment (Japanese Shintoism) shown in it opens a reflection on the possibility of considering old worldviews in the reflection on the ethical future of man on the eve of the climate collapse.


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Jak cytować

Filipowicz, A. (2022). O kryzysie klimatycznym z perspektywy nieetnocentrycznej (na przykładzie filmu anime „Nausicaä z Doliny Wiatru” Hayao Miyazakiego). Jednak Książki. Gdańskie Czasopismo Humanistyczne, (15), 95–111. https://doi.org/10.26881/jk.2022.15.07