From “Rzeczywistość” to “Rondo”. How a communist hard-liners’ weekly discovered capitalism in the late 1980s


  • Florian Peters Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Berlin


“Reality”, “Rondo”, party press, economic journalism, free market transformation, nomenclature capitalism, history of the Polish press


The article presents an unusual metamorphosis of the weekly “Reality”, which from the propaganda tube of the so-called communist concrete transformed into a champion of “managerial” capitalism in the late 1980s of the XXth century. Against the background of the then opening of party discourses for economic liberalism, the article analyses explicit changes in the journalism of the “Reality” on economic topics in the years 1981–1990. It also follows attempts to save the weekly in a new formula under the name “Rondo” in 1989, which, however, did not achieve long-term success due to the liquidation of the party press group RSW “Press-Book-Movement”. On the basis of this specific case, the article highlights the issue of ideological erosion among proponents of “real socialism” in Poland and brings closer the sources of the concept of nomenclature capitalism.


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How to Cite

Peters, F. (2018). From “Rzeczywistość” to “Rondo”. How a communist hard-liners’ weekly discovered capitalism in the late 1980s. Media Business Culture, (2(5), 99–113. Retrieved from



Media and Politics