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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

Author Guidelines

a. General information

Submitted articles must not have been published before. In each case, possible sources of funding for the research whose results are included in the article should be taken into account.

Submitted articles should be prepared in accordance with the editorial guidelines. If the article does not comply with the guidelines it is sent back to the author with information on the need for changes.

The journal accepts articles prepared by students, doctoral students and PhD students (up to 7 years after the defense of the dissertation).

The editors accept articles written in Polish or English

Each submitted article is evaluated by a member of the editorial board. In the case of a positive evaluation, it is forwarded to the review process. In case of a negative evaluation, the author is informed of the reasons for the rejection of the article. The editor may also ask the author to make corrections before submitting the article to the review process.

After receiving a positive review (see review procedure) and/or making corrections by the author accepted by the journal's editorial board, the articles are submitted to the University of Gdansk Publishing House.

The University of Gdansk Publishing House checks the articles with anti-plagiarism software.

The Publishing House of the University of Gdansk appoints a publishing editor who edits the articles and corrects the language. After editing, articles are forwarded to authors for acceptance or rejection of changes. After acceptance of the articles by the authors, the journal issue is published in electronic form (pdf file) and then in print.

The journal is published in open access (Open Access), which means free, universal, permanent and immediate access for any web user to digital forms of data recording and content contained therein (under the CC BY 4.0 International license - - ).

In order to counteract the phenomenon of "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship," authors are required to identify all persons who participated in the creation of the article (with their affiliation and contribution, i.e. information on who authored the concept, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used in the preparation of the publication). "Ghostwriting", "guest authorship" are manifestations of scientific dishonesty, and any detected cases will be unmasked, including notification of relevant entities (institutions employing authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.).

No fees are charged for the publication of the text.

The article should be sent to  or by site:

b. Editorial guidelines:

Article saved in doc. or docx format.

Inscribed in the upper left corner with the author's name(s), affiliation (department, institute, possibly the name of the scientific circle) and ORCID number

The minimum volume of the article is 0.5 sheets (20000 characters with spaces), the maximum is 1 sheet (40000 characters with spaces).

The maximum volume of reviews, reports, communications and biographies is 0.5 sheets.

The font is Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.5, without formatting.

Explanatory footnotes placed at the bottom of the page. Footnote font size 10, no interlineation.

Article divided into sections (e.g., according to the scheme: introduction, state of the research, research results, conclusion) with intertitles.

Titles of books, articles, papers, paintings, films in italics.

Titles of newspapers, magazines, conferences, competitions written in simple type and placed in quotation marks.

Web addresses without underlining and in black.

Graphic elements in editable format (e.g., exel, word) and shades of gray.

Tables and graphs accompanied by a description or explanation using Times New Roman font size 10.

Titles of articles, books and foreign language expressions in italics.

Quotations in quotation marks, without reducing or changing the font.

Names of months written in words, e.g., July 27, 2013 (except otherwise written in the source or quotation).

Names used for the first time are cited in full e.g. United Nations, Polish Socialist Party, Council of Doctoral Students of the University of Gdansk.

When citing a person's name for the first time, we write his/her full name.

We prepare footnotes according to the Harvard system.

The bibliography (according to the Harvard bibliographic description) should be at the end of the article.

Complete guidelines:

Included (in Polish and English): Title, abstract (up to 250 words) and keywords (maximum 5).

Under the text, a note about the author(s) in Polish and English (name, department/institute, research interests, email address for correspondence, telephone number for the editor's attention).

Footnotes and bibliography


- by one author:

(Friszke 2014: 138)
Friszke A., 2014, Rewolucja Solidarności 1980 – 1981, Warsaw

- two and more authors:

(Kruppe, Milewska 2015: 28)

Kruppe J., Milewska M. 2015, Puck: archeologia o narodzinach miasta, Warsaw

- Edited by:

(Kaczmarek ed., 1970: 29)

Bibliography: Kaczmarek S., red. 1970, Trudności studentów I roku : z badań w uczelniach wrocławskich, Warsaw

- Author's publications from one year:

(Friszke 2010a: 190)

(Friszke 2010b: 123)

Bibliography:  Friszke A., 2010a, Anatomia buntu: Kuroń, Modzelewski i komandosi, Cracow

Friszke A., 2010b, PRL wobec kościoła: akta Urzędu ds. Wyznań 1970 – 1978, Warsaw

Chapter in monograph:

(Skoczek 2013: 152)

Skoczek A., 2013, Milczące dzieci – zaburzone interakcje w mutyzmie. W: Michalik M., Siudak A., Pawłowska – Jaroń H., red., Interakcyjne uwarunkowania rozwoju i zaburzeń mowy, Cracow

Journal articles:

(Pałęcka 2014: 9)

Bibliography: Pałęcka A., 2014, Teoria aktora-sieci jako ontologia dla socjologii wizualnej, "Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej”, Vol. X, No. 4.

Online sources:

(Rakowski - Klos 2016)

Rakowski - Klos I., 2016, Poznański Czerwiec oczyma dzieci. Historie telewizyjne. Gazeta Wyborcza, 27.06.2016. available at:,153063,20301076,poznanski-czerwiec-oczyma-dzieci-historie-telewizyjne.html [accessed July 6, 2016].


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