The cultural activity of the Embassy of Japan in Poland in 2019 as a manifestation of traditional and modern Japanese culture


  • Judyta Gabriela Janczara University of Gdansk



cultural diplomacy, Polish-Japanese relations, traditional Japanese culture, modern Japanese culture


The centenary of Polish-Japanese relations in 2019 provided an opportunity for the Embassy of Japan in Poland to develop a cultural program appropriate for the anniversary. The events organized as part of the celebrations were analyzed to examine them as an example of cultural diplomacy, relevant, among other things, to building soft power. The cultural program of the anniversary is also not only an aspect of the state promotion but of promoting Japanese culture in general.
The matter of tradition and modernity in defining the image of Japan was raised. These trends were reflected in the content present in the cultural program of the jubilee. The conclusion showed the predominance of tradition, but the category of modernity also described many events. One of the dominant themes was high culture. There were several popular phenomena associated with Japan, but the program also included some that are not often shown in the media. The Embassy of Japan used the attraction of traditional arts and related history in its cultural diplomacy during the celebrations; there was also an event showing the modern side of Japan, in contexts different from those most often discussed. A shift away from phenomena associated with popular culture was shown, probably related to the context of cultural diplomacy in Poland and the promotion of these phenomena by other entities. In selected cases, events also referred to the historical Polish-Japanese ties. Showcasing historical and modern cultural phenomena to build the image of the state had a special meaning due to the centenary of bilateral relations. This paper provides an example of the embassy’s activities and the cultural projects it promoted during the period of celebrating an anniversary important for the relations between the two states.


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Author Biography

Judyta Gabriela Janczara, University of Gdansk

MA – graduate in Diplomacy (Bachelor’s degree studies) and Political Science (Master of Arts studies) at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk. Her research interests are cultural diplomacy, intercultural communication in international relations and promotion of cultural heritage in relations between the states. During her studies she was a member of the Student Scientific Club “Bałkanika” of University of Gdańsk, where she served as the secretary.


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How to Cite

Janczara, J. G. (2024). The cultural activity of the Embassy of Japan in Poland in 2019 as a manifestation of traditional and modern Japanese culture. Progress, (13), 40–56.