The Religious Dimension of Self-Immolation as an Enrichment of Sociopolitical Analysis: An Attempt at Systematizing the Phenomenon of Self-Immolation in an Interdisciplinary Perspective


  • Wiktor Płoszaj University of Gdansk



self-immolation, Tibet, Vietnam, Thich Qunag Duc, Buddhism


The phenomenon of self-immolation occurs in almost the entire Asian continent, being especially popular with Buddhists. Because of Western values, selfimmolation remains a misunderstood act. This type of action is often classified as a political protest, and the analysis of this phenomenon is limited to sociopolitical perspectives. In the article, the author attempts to enrich this analysis with a religious factor, postulating interdisciplinary studies of the phenomenon.


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Author Biography

Wiktor Płoszaj, University of Gdansk

The Department of Social Studies at the University of Gdańsk: The Institute of Political Science, The Department of History at the University of Gdańsk: The Institute of Anthropology. Research topics: contemporary Buddhism, the politisation of religion, Tibet, Myanmar, Vietnam, Israel, zionism, Jewish herritage in Poland.


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How to Cite

Płoszaj, W. (2024). The Religious Dimension of Self-Immolation as an Enrichment of Sociopolitical Analysis: An Attempt at Systematizing the Phenomenon of Self-Immolation in an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Progress, (13), 57–65.