Pedophilia – between illusion and truth


  • Paulina Bejer University of Gdansk



pedophilia, media, attitudes


The purpose of the study is to find out the knowledge about the problem of pedophilia, the main sources of information and social attitudes towards people convicted of the crime of pedophilia. An online survey method was used, and the recruitment of respondents was done through social media. The tool used in the study was a self-designed questionnaire. The questionnaire is a tool used to analyze the level of knowledge about the problem of pedophilia, to determine the main sources of information about the crime of pedophilia, and to determine the presented social attitude towards people convicted of the crime of pedophilia. The survey was conducted among 164 people. The data obtained indicate that the main sources of information on the problem of pedophilia are traditional and social media. Unambiguously determining the level of knowledge of respondents about the problem of pedophilia is problematic. A significant percentage of respondents declare a condemnatory attitude toward people convicted of the crime of pedophilia.


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Author Biography

Paulina Bejer, University of Gdansk

Psychologist, graduate of the University of Gdańsk, doctoral student in psychology at the Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk. Currently undergoing a 4-year course in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Her research interests focus on disorders of sexual preferences.


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How to Cite

Bejer, P. (2024). Pedophilia – between illusion and truth. Progress, (13), 104–120.