The influence of illegal art on the construction of urban identity


  • Anna Kowalik Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie



graffiti, illegal art, identity, public space, street art


Contemporary graffiti and street art, as key elements of the urban landscape, play a significant role in shaping social and urban identity. This paper examines the impact of these artistic forms on the perception of urban spaces, emphasizing their importance for the evolution of urban identity in the context of a new creativity-based economy. The analysis of the ephemerality of graffiti and street art reveals how encounters with these works in urban spaces can interrupt daily routines and increase social awareness, leading to a dynamic recognition and interpretation of urban landscapes. By integrating diverse perspectives from art history to sociology and philosophy – this study unveils the complexity of street art’s influence on city life and cultural aspects of contemporary societies. Street art, merging various media, new technologies, and sensory stimuli, creates a unique unity in diversity, engaging audiences on both a physical and psychological level. This engagement, in both phenomenological dimensions and everyday life, underscores the importance of further interdisciplinary research into street art as an integral part of urban culture.


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Author Biography

Anna Kowalik, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie

PhD, is an assistant professor and conservator-restorer of artworks, with a particular focus on modern and contemporary art. She is affiliated with the Interdepartmental NOVUM Devision for the Care and Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art within the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Kowalik is an alumna of both the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and the Institute of Art History at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw. Additionally, she completed the Intellectual Property Law Program at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw.
Her research interests are primarily centered on issues related to the conservation of interdisciplinary
modern and contemporary art. This field has been the focus of numerous publications and presentations she has delivered at national and international conferences. She collaborates with prominent state institutions as well as private collectors in this area and participates in national and international research projects.


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How to Cite

Kowalik, A. (2024). The influence of illegal art on the construction of urban identity. Progress, (14), 133–155.