Methods and forms of Piarist education


  • Katarzyna Semrau University of Gdańsk



Piarist, breeding, education, religion


The paper reviews forms and  methods of  youth work incident to  the  Piarist Order activity and depicts the structure and organisation of both the Order and  the  main assumptions of  the  Piarist school institution. Moreover, the  article indicates once most innovative and  contemporarily popular aspects of  pedagogic work, such as  humanistic approach to  a  student or recompensing which the founder of the Order Joseph Kalasancjusz wrote about in guidelines for work related to education of foster children. The offer of regular and free school prepared by the Piarist conventuals was one of the first in the world addressed to poor children and youth. The above-mentioned paper depicts ongoing changes in the Piarist Order, mainly due to the effectiveness of teaching piarist institutions has begun to change and became schools for the elite. Not without significance is the rather thoroughly characterized figure of the founder himself, as well as the most popular Polish piarist and reformer – Stanisław Konarski.


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Author Biography

Katarzyna Semrau, University of Gdańsk

Katarzyna Semrau – Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Pedagogiki. Zainteresowania naukowe: zakon salezjański, pedagogika świętego Jana Bosco, zakon pijarów, historia katechezy, uzależnienia behawioralne, uzależnienia od środków psychoaktywnych, uzależnienia od nowych technologii. Specjalista psychoterapii uzależnień.


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How to Cite

Semrau, K. (2019). Methods and forms of Piarist education. Progress, (5), 11–19.



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