Type of temperament and level of emotional self-control of juvenile offenders


  • Mateusz Jan Lammek University of Gdansk




temperament, emotional selfcontrol, juvenile offenders


The aim of the study is to find out the relationship between temperament type and level of emotional self-control in juvenile offenders. The following research tools were used in the study: F. Littauer’s temperament questionnaire, Buss and Plomin’s temperament questionnaire (EAS-D) and Jerzy Brzezinski’s emotional self-control questionnaire (KKE). The study was conducted on a group of men (N = 36) aged 18–21, serving a prison sentence in penitentiary units at the District Inspectorate of the Prison Service in Gdańsk.
The results showed that juvenile prisoners are characterized by a mixed temperament. In addition, they tend to react with negative emotions – dissatisfaction and fear. In addition, they show emotional motivation and a low level of control over the situation. The respondents showed high emotional excitability. The conducted analyzes contribute to increasing knowledge about the functioning of juvenile offenders. They can also be used for minors. The results can be used to create more individual rehabilitation programs and psychological help.


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Author Biography

Mateusz Jan Lammek, University of Gdansk

Mateusz Lammek – doktorant stacjonarnych Studiów Doktoranckich z Psychologii na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim oraz asystent w Zakładzie Psychologii Osobowości i Psychologii Sądowej UG. Zainteresowania badawcze obejmują: osobowość oraz zaburzenia osobowości, metody pozwalające na określenie prawdopodobieństwa ryzyka powrotu do zachowań przestępczych oraz seksuologię kliniczną.


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How to Cite

Lammek, M. J. (2019). Type of temperament and level of emotional self-control of juvenile offenders. Progress, (6), 47–59. https://doi.org/10.26881/prog.2019.6.04