The decrease in the importance of the interbank market as a source of banking liquidity management in post-crisis period with particular emphasis on the unsecured interbank deposits segment


  • Monika Liszewska University of Gdansk



interbank market, unsecured deposits, financial crisis, central bank


The global financial crisis resulted in the limitation of using by banks the interbank market for short-term liquidity management in both Poland and the euro area. As a result of the decrease in confidence between market participants, the reduction in turnover was recorded primarily in the unsecured deposits. The consequenceof the crisis of confidence was increased aversion of banks to longer maturities financing. This led to growth in the importance of overnight transactions in the structure of unsecured deposits.
The decrease in the interbank deposit market importance was also maintained in the post-crisis period. The reasons for this situation was not only the growth of credit risk, but also the regulatory and legal changes as well as modifications of bank funding models. Partly this situation is also due to the central banks reaction for crisis. In the period of tensions on the financial markets the priority for central banks was not to support banks’ activity on the interbank market.
As a result, the changes that started with the crisis of confidence have proved to be long-lasting. Interbank markets, both in Poland and the euro area, have not recovered their role before the global financial crisis.



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Author Biography

Monika Liszewska, University of Gdansk

Monika Liszewska – doktorantka Międzywydziałowych Stacjonarnych Studiów Doktoranckich z Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania, Wydział Zarządzania, Uniwersytet Gdański. Zainteresowania badawcze: rynek finansowy, rynek bankowy, rynek kredytowy, indeksy rynku pieniężnego.


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How to Cite

Liszewska, M. (2019). The decrease in the importance of the interbank market as a source of banking liquidity management in post-crisis period with particular emphasis on the unsecured interbank deposits segment. Progress, (6), 100–115.