Who creates the largest encyclopedia of the world? Analysis of Wikipedia internal data


  • Patrycja Cybulska University of Gdańsk


encyclopedia, Wikipedia, editors, article, edit


Wikipedia is considered to be the largest encyclopedia of the world. Some criticize it, others do not. Not only do they support it, they are also actively involved in its creation. With new media, the status of the entries contributors has been evened out. The same right to share knowledge with others has been gained not only by experts, but by all members of the online community. The monopoly on scientists was broken. Because it is known that the contributors of Wikipedia are both high school students and professors, it seems important to look at their characteristics. According to the internal data of the Polish language version of Wikipedia, they will be subject to their education, age, gender and number of editions. This is all about breaking the stereotype that this largest encyclopedia of the world is made up of non-professionals.


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Author Biography

Patrycja Cybulska , University of Gdańsk

Patrycja Cybulska – absolwentka studiów magisterskich na kierunku Dziennikarstwo i Komunikacja Społeczna na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim, doktorantka w Filologicznym Studium Doktoranckim na tej samej uczelni, dziennikarka portalu GospodarkaMorska.pl.


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How to Cite

Cybulska , P. . (2018). Who creates the largest encyclopedia of the world? Analysis of Wikipedia internal data. Progress, (4), 20–29. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/Progress/article/view/4539