XXI century social prevention on the example of streetworking and partyworking – suicidological approach


  • Marlena Stradomska Maria Curie-Sklodowska University




partyworking, prevention, suicydology, psychoactive drugs, threats


This article is  the conclusion of considerations related to suicidal prevention in the 21st century. Many possibilities can be distinguished that enable reduction of phenomena that are detrimental to the health and life of an individual. Preventive campaigns, social campaigns or cultural events aimed at reducing risk behaviors are organized more and more often. Society is in many cases unaware of the various situations and relationships in which they are involved. Therefore,a matter related to raising people’s awareness of threats such as: using psychoactive substances or engaging in risky behaviors is needed. The forms of partisan activities are quite unusual due to the impact in specific places such as clubs, pubs, discos, etc. Generally, these are places unfavorable for the work of people involved in psychological or therapeutic help or preventive activities. Risky behaviors are very often associated with self-destruction, in particular under the infiuence of psychoactive substances. Unaware, people without control often try to take their lives in a suicidal manner. Prevention, corrective actions and education in this area is an indispensable element that can save many people from danger. The aim of the work will be to analyze the risks of work of partisans and street workers. Structured interviews (n = 50) with representatives of social professions were conducted in consultation with the Polish Suicidological Society. Therefore, the work has a theoretical and practical dimension.



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Author Biography

Marlena Stradomska, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University

Marlena Stradomska – wykładowca akademicki, pedagog, psycholog, wiceprezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Suicydologicznego oddział Lublin, trener, terapeuta w trakcie 4-letniego kursu w nurcie integracyjnym. W trakcie studiów doktoranckich w zakresie psychologii oraz nauk o poznaniu i komunikacji społecznej na Uniwersytecie Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. Autorka ponad 50 publikacji naukowych w obszarze problemów społecznych, zagrożeń cywilizacyjnych XXI wieku, a także pracy z osobami po próbie samobójczej. Laureatka stypendiów i nagród za wybitne osiągniecia naukowe.


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How to Cite

Stradomska, M. (2020). XXI century social prevention on the example of streetworking and partyworking – suicidological approach. Progress, (7), 56–66. https://doi.org/10.26881/prog.2020.7.03