Anna Iwaszkiewiczowa’s image in Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s memoirs


  • Eliza Perkowska University of Gdansk



Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Anna Iwaszkiewicz, diaries, memoirs


The article analyses the memoirs of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, focusing on the image of his wife, Anna Iwaszkiewicz. Iwaszkiewiczowa – a diarist, translator and literary critic – lived in the shadow of her husband through the entire marriage, which was one of the reasons for her feeling of creative inability and uselessness. The analysis of Iwaszkiewicz’s private notes, written between 1911 and1980, is on the one hand addition to the image of Iwaszkiewicz’s marriage, and on the other – polemics with its idealized image presented in literature (Mitzner 1998). It reconstructs two separate and contrasted images of Iwaszkiewiczowa, pointing to the reasons for this distinction and its effects. Including both the historical and the socio-political context, it explains the reasons why Iwaszkiewicz created the figures of his diaries in a certain way. It reconstructs the breakthrough moments of both his private life and the historical situation, verifying the image drawn by Iwaszkiewicz and relating it to the non-textual reality. The analysis of the image of Anna Iwaszkiewiczona is both an important contribution to the biography of the writer himself and an independent introduction to the description and reconstruction of the life and artistic creation of Iwaszkiewiczowa herself.


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Author Biography

Eliza Perkowska, University of Gdansk

Eliza Perkowska – Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych UG, dziedzina nauk humanistycznych, dyscyplina: literaturoznawstwo. Zainteresowania badawcze: literatura polska, literatura dwudziestolecia międzywojennego, krytyka feministyczna, intymistyka, edytorstwo.


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How to Cite

Perkowska, E. (2021). Anna Iwaszkiewiczowa’s image in Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s memoirs. Progress, (9-10), 233–246.