Around the concept of agnotology in the contemporary pedagogical discourse


  • Jarosław Marzec University of Gdansk



critical pedagogy, agnotology, emancipation, pedagogy of ignorance, Jacques Ranciere


In presented text I would like to overview interpretative efforts concerned with the conception of agnotology within pedagogical thoughts, especially in the context of fail the idea of emancipation in the stream of critical pedagogy. I recall the works of Tomasz Szkudlarek, Gert Biesta and Jacques Rancière to show the productive and positively valuated meanings of the concept of agnotology and also document its „work” in the pedagogical discourse. As we will see we have to deal with peculiar pedagogy of ignorance. The most valuable are the efforts of Rancière in this field, who is the most recognizable figure in the battle with the myths of emancipation expressed in the theory of critical pedagogy and sociology of knowledge. The category of agnotology and the pedagogy of ignorance seems to be the sign of unknown meanings in the pedagogical thinking, which give the contribution of that category in the attempt to transcend the myths of emancipation.


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Author Biography

Jarosław Marzec, University of Gdansk

Jarosław Marzec – PhD academic title from education. Doctorate tilted ,,Pedagogical Discourse of the Humanistic Psychology’’. PhD defense at University of Gdańsk on the 19th of January 2017. Pedagogy graduated at University of Gdańsk on the 6th of November 1996. He worked at the Department of Social Sciences as the assitant in the Institude of Education since 1997 to 2001. The scholar interested concerns the cultural contexts of social theory and the educational importance of the humanistic psychology. Also the wide contexts of spiritual in the social practices. Lately the interested of the cultural contexts of Ken Wilbers’ integral theory. He won the contest for the scholar debut in the science magazine ,,Terażniejszość-Człowiek- Edukcja’’ for the text ,,Narratology of Postmodernity: the University of the Narrative Methaphor in the Contemporary Culture’’in 2000. He’s the author of books: ,,Discourse, Text and Narratives. Essays on the Postmodern Culture’’ (2002), ,,The Pedagogical Discourse of the Humanistic Psychology’’(2018) and ,,The Waves of Existence. My Encounters with Ken Wilber’’ (2019). He also published the science texts in the educational magazines.


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How to Cite

Marzec, J. (2022). Around the concept of agnotology in the contemporary pedagogical discourse. Progress, (11), 35–48.