The contemporary labour market versus remote work – challenges for organisational culture


  • Pamela Omiotek University of Gdansk



organizational culture, remote work, labour market


The COVID-19 pandemic reminded us of the great potential that lies in remote working. An employee can work from anywhere, saving time commuting to the company’s headquarters in the first place and can adjust activities to their daily rhythm and ways of working without the direct supervision of their supervisor. Unfortunately, home office mode also poses a considerable challenge to the creation of organizational culture in the company – it is more difficult for a remote worker to understand, learn and even feel the specific microclimate of the company. This article aims to present the leading solutions that will help shape the organizational culture in a company offering remote working. The article tries to answer the question of how to build and maintain organizational culture while working remotely. In addition, a survey of the current labour market was conducted to see if remote work is indeed beginning to dominate. Surveys also show how large the scale of this issue is and how the pandemic is shaping the work model. A study of analysis and synthesis of literature sources and the logical inference was used to conduct the analysis


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Author Biography

Pamela Omiotek, University of Gdansk

Pamela Omiotek – PhD student in the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities in management and quality studies at the University of Gdansk. Her academic interests include Lean Management, organizational culture and the Far East.


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How to Cite

Omiotek, P. (2022). The contemporary labour market versus remote work – challenges for organisational culture. Progress, (11), 49–59.