Wydział Trolejbusów, lata 1946–1951


Słowa kluczowe:

Verkehrsbetriebe Danzig-Gotenhafen AG (VDG), Miejskie Zakłady Komunikacyjne Gdańsk Gdynia (MZK GG), trolejbusy, komunikacja miejska po 1945 r., Bolesław Obrączkiewicz


Before World War II, the main means of the municipality transport in Gdynia were buses. When in 1942, the management of the newly-established transport company – Verkehrsbetriebe Danzig-Gotenhafen AG (VDG) which operated in Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia accepted that the optimization of transport solutions should be undertaken, in 1943 they made a decision concerning opening of the trolleybus network in the part of the agglomeration. After pushing the German troops out of the city, opening of the first trolleybus line (19th march 1946) in relatively slightly destroyed Gdynia was being awaited for quite a long time. There was a lack of overhead wiring because of its severe damage and it required almost entire reconstruction. The article is devoted to the process of recreation of this modern transport solution in the city.


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Jak cytować

Borzestowski, W. (2021). Wydział Trolejbusów, lata 1946–1951. Argumenta Historica. Czasopismo Naukowo - Dydaktyczne, (8), 7–21. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/argumentahistorica/article/view/7393


