Catholic Orthodoxy and the Conditions for its Revision in the Critical Philosophy of History Henri-Irénée Marrou


  • Justyna Melonowska Academy of Special Education im. Maria Grzegorzewska in Warsaw



Marrou, critical philosophy of history, Catholicism, orthodoxy, revision


The aim of the article is to present the concept of philosophy of history developed by Henri-Irénée Marrou (1904-1977), who made friendship with the historical Other a condition of historical cognition. On the other hand, enmity and resentment are, in his opinion, factors that prevent understanding. In the light of the postulate of friendship as a condition of cognition, presented article analyzes the changes in attitude to Catholic orthodoxy in the decades preceding the Second Vatican Council, the postulates of its abandonment and a comprehensive revision of the doctrinal layer of Catholicism and its social functionality. As contemporary Catholicism, especially during the ongoing pontificate of Francis, puts a permanent emphasis on change and revision, in the final part of the article a model of a friendly revision is proposed that respects the assumptions of the Marrou’s critical philosophy of history.


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How to Cite

Melonowska, J. (2022). Catholic Orthodoxy and the Conditions for its Revision in the Critical Philosophy of History Henri-Irénée Marrou. Karto-Teka Gdańska, (1(10), 29–50.