The Politics of a Portrait: Biopics, Slavery and Contemporary Racial Politics in the United States



Słowa kluczowe:

African American cinema, slavery, racism, minority representation


The article examines the connection between the past and the present, and between the personal and the political, in three recent biographical pictures directed by filmmakers of color: The Birth of a Nation (2016, dir. Nate Parker), Harriet (2018, dir. Kasi Lemmons), and Emancipation (2022, dir. Antoine Fuqua). By addressing the history of American slavery, the films not only come into a dialogue with the preexisting representations of slavery in music, photography and cinema, but also reflect on current racial politics and antiracist activism in the United States. They offer a commentary on changing attitudes towards the issue of race in America, and engage with the collective memory of slavery - a past trauma, which has shaped the African American identity.


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Jak cytować

Mączko, M. (2024). The Politics of a Portrait: Biopics, Slavery and Contemporary Racial Politics in the United States . Panoptikum, (31), 106–120.